
Aug 23, 2008

32 Week check up

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Well just as usual everything is GREAT. yea!!!
Maycee is still in there and going strong. She has really grown so much. She kicks me in the ribs :) and jumps on my bladder :) and does cheerleader moves all over the place :)
Yea, maybe she really will be my little cheerleader. :)
And don't forget all the hiccups in there. :)

Maycee's stats
height of "fundus" - 32cm (right on track with my 32 weeks)
heart rate - 146bmp

My stats
blood pressure - 108/68
pulse - 76 bpm
and I have gained 29 lbs. (yikes)
I passed my glucose test, I don't have gestational diabetes :)
I am now into my Dr. visits being every 2 weeks. Its getting so close.

I have been having some weird cravings,
Ice, want to chew it all the time
Love the smell of chlorine and want to drink the pool water
and I want to eat comet every time I clean something
and of course cold cereal is still on my list too.
I don't have any clue why the weird stuff.

On sleeping, well it's been alright. Thanks to my body pillows, thanks Katie and Aimee, I have have pretty ok sleeps. I do wake up to go to the bathroom room about once a night but mostly I wake up in the morning with a little bit of a back ache.

I waddle everywhere and if I walk a lot in one day my feet ache the next day and I can't even walk on them. Thank goodness Rob has been so great to rub my feet. I love you baby.

Brittany sent of the invites to the shower. They turned out so cute. Thanks BritPhotobucket


The Ortega Family said...

I can't wait to see Maycee! When I was pregnant...I ate ice non-stop also! Drinking water just did not cut it..weird. I can't wait for your baby shower...and you look great...I had a huge double chin by 32 weeks!

Maree said...

Oh, you're just GORGEOUS!!! I'm so glad you passed the glucose test! Your invitations are beautiful too. I'm getting excited to be an auntie again! Please don't drink the pool water or eat the comet.

Krysta Martinez said...

I'm right with you on the weight gain, but you're on your own with those cravings! lol I haven't craved anything. Your invitations are really cute! Can't wait til our showers!

Brittany said...

I was so excited when I got your invitation in the mail! She's almost here! However, we are going up to Utah to see Donny that weekend. Sorry, I feel like such a loser because I don't get to go to anything. But Maycee will have an amazing present from me!

Vatcher Family said...

Maycee Renae? How cute! Renae is my middle name! I have never seen anyone else spell it that way! I love all the pictures! You look great!

Ashley said...

next time you come over ill be sure to hide all of my comet!!

Adele said...

You look adorable Cody! I'm not nearly as far along and just look fat and frumpy already! You look wonderful!

Unknown said...

Your husband is a lucky man,
You;re a HOT MAMA> :0]

Anonymous said...

you look so cute prego.... congrats....take care!