
Dec 19, 2008

check up

Maycee had her 2 month check up on Thursday.

Weight 9lbs 8oz (20th percentile)

length 21 /4in (20th percentile)

her head is in the 50th percentile so she has a big head. :)

She got 2 shots. I forgot the baby tylenol poor girl but she did great. She cried for about 30 sec and then she was fine. But she was a little cranky all day. Not too bad though. Everything is norm for my perfect baby girl. Gotta love her.


Krysta Martinez said...

Yay for healthy babies! I feel like a bad mom since mine hasn't been to the dr yet! Still trying to get our insurance situated.

Heidi said...

Even with a slightly big head she is adorable!:) You are very lucky to have a pretty perfect little girl.