
Dec 26, 2008



1 diaper bag
2 purses
1 pair of shoes
1 bottle of perfume
1 pair of sunglasses
1 pair of reg. glasses
1 employee lapel pin
1 duffel bag
1 purse (black)
1 key chain


This was the BEST christmas ever. No tears on Christmas day, a wonderful loving family, a new baby. Could it get any better? Oh yes it can. :)

Rob, Maycee and I spent the night at my mom's and woke up to a couch full of stockings.
***{From my mom: Rob, me, my brother Wyatt, sis in law Ashley, and my step dad Donny all received a CRUISE to MEXICO} YEA next May you'll hear all about it. :)

-Rob and I thought that since our gift's dont always work out the best, we thought that we would only do stocking stuffers this year and then go REAL shopping after Christmas.
Well in my stocking
Coach Perfume, A diamond "C" necklace, and lots of goodies.
In his stocking
The IPhone 16GB of course in White.
real simple on both our parts haha
That worked out well.

The day followed by brunch at Grandma Christiansen's home with an awesome gift exchange
and then
followed by Christmas at Retired Teacher Center for the GIVENS': No offence to the other places, but by far the Givens' was the BEST: LET ME TELL YOU Please procede to the next post to know why it was the BEST.

The day ended well, Maycee had no idea what was going on but NEXT year... awesome. :)
She was so tired. Christmas wore her out. We went home last night and she slept for 8 hrs. I had to wake her up at 7a to feed her and then she went right back to sleep. Crazy. I LOVE IT!
Merry LATE Christmas to everyone.
PS: and pics... LAME on my part. NONe. Left my camera card at home the WHOLE DAY!

A VERY merry Givens Christmas

(well worth the read but dont read ahead)
At Christmas, when EVERYONE was gathered around Rob gave his parents a little book
Well the story went a little something like this...
Christmas is really a special time of the year... But all too often all the hype, hoopla, hustle and bustle, shopping, list-making, list taking, wondering if you got the right gift, wondering if you asked for the right gift.....
(next page)
Wondering "Am I gonna get that Christmas Bonus????" These things distract us from the real reason of Christmas…. the celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus. A celebration of new life...
(next page)
Cody and I recently received the best gift ever- The birth of our very own baby... Maycee. Just like in the Christmas story we get to celebrate together as family and friends, (some even traveled great distances to be here).
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We just want to make it official, we know that it is really soon, but we are going to celebrate ANOTHER NEW ADDITION to our family....yes, we are going to have ANOTHER BABY.....
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Don't be shocked or freaked out, because I'm actually just kidding. But for real I was trying to surprise you and tell you that you’ve been encouraging me for a while to do it and I am actually going to be going back to school.
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Well....just kidding about that too. I'm actually NOT going to go back to school..…….
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I'm actually going to be FINISHED with school in February and have my Bachelor's Degree....a "B.S. in Business Management", and that's no BS!
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So, you are cordially invited to attend my graduation ceremony. Thank you for always encouraging me to go for it...I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(next page)
HaHaHa. That’s the truth. Surprise! Merry Christmas. Love you. Rob
EXPLANATION: Sounds like no big deal RIGHT? Graduating from school? WELL really...
ROB'S parents DID NOT, I repeat, DID NOT know that he has been going to school for the past year or so. Evertime he sees them, they procede to tell him that he NEEDS to go back to school. It was a BIG secret and it was hard to keep. Laura (Robs sister) was the other one that didnt' know either.
OH her reaction was AWESOME. exactly what he was looking for. AND the LAME part, we DIDNT get it on video. This was a "Funniest Home Video" worthy moment. It was the BEST!!! NO ONE ELSE knew either besides 3 sisters.

Dec 22, 2008

Fresno State BABY!

This post is dedicated to Poppa Bob and Grandpa Karl
Ashley DeWitt gave Maycee this very cute Fresno State hat. She just barely fits in it now.

Dec 21, 2008


This past Saturday Rob, Maycee and I went to our wards Christmas party. It was so fun. Every year is a different theme. This year it was Italy. Yummy.

Of course Maycee had to sit on Santa's lap.

Church today was also fun. She got to wear a super cute new outfit.

Dec 19, 2008

2 months

Maycee is officially 2 months so of course I needed to have pictures done. :) Rachel Boyer was the wonderful photographer.

2 months

-She loves to taste her clothes and blankets when they get close.

-She rolled over once but that was it.

-She smiles and laughs at me and others

-She only wakes up one time a night

-She is a very sensative baby as in she has to have a speacial formula and sertain fabrics makes her have a rash

-She loves to go shopping with me.

-She loves to suck on her hands

-She is a great baby

check up

Maycee had her 2 month check up on Thursday.

Weight 9lbs 8oz (20th percentile)

length 21 /4in (20th percentile)

her head is in the 50th percentile so she has a big head. :)

She got 2 shots. I forgot the baby tylenol poor girl but she did great. She cried for about 30 sec and then she was fine. But she was a little cranky all day. Not too bad though. Everything is norm for my perfect baby girl. Gotta love her.

Dec 14, 2008

what the...

She is losing all of her hair in the front and now she has a big bald spot in the back. My mom says that I had the exact same hair when I was born and then later all of my hair fell out and it all came back in curly. I'm sure that is what will happen with Maycee. But for now she is "business in the front and PARTY in the back" with a little bald spot.

Dec 12, 2008


So yesterday I put Maycee on a blanket on the floor and went out of the room for like 5 min. and when I came back in the room she was off the blanket and on her stomach. Everyone that was in the house was in the other room too, so no one helped her. She rolled over all by herself. I can't believe it.

Dec 10, 2008

smile in 8...7...6...

8. 7.

Come on you can do it

6. 5.

Smile for momma

4. 3.

yes you can

2. 1.


Love those times that she lets her light shine.
8 weeks

Dec 9, 2008

Dec 3, 2008

Life's a Beach

This last weekend was a blast. Grandpa and Grandma Chis rented a house on the beach. There were 25 people in the house. it had 4 bathrooms and 2 kitchens. Beautiful house.

Hurst castle was our Saturday activity. Started the day off with my fam and wyatt and Ashley making breakfast. Hurst castle was beautiful. I want to go back and tour the other 4 tours. Love it. Maycee was really good. I wasn't allowed to take a stroller so she had her first outing in the front backpack thing. Wish I got a pic but oh well. She slept the whole time. Only thing was she pooped during the movie thing in the beg. So I changed her on my lap and her sock accidently got in her little mess so the rest of the tour she had no socks. poor girl

We stoped off at the elephant seals on the way home. So cold there.

All the cuz's minus a few