
Apr 23, 2009


I couldn't resist blogging this. Maycee will love me for it later. Ya right!! Haha. This is her not so cute "im pooping" face. Hahaha!


I have been wanting to paint maycees toes for a while but hadn't found a good time to do it. Well she was asleep and I thought "why not?". Don't they look cute? Carrissa had painted them before as well so this wasn't her first time either. Isn't she so grown up?

Apr 18, 2009


She does this pretty much every time I laugh.


Maycee is going to have the best time growing up. She will have cousins galore to play with. She met her cousin that is the closest to her for the first time last Wenesday. Bryley was born about 2 weeks after her.

{Bryley and Maycee playing so well together -- GG trying to hold the 2 girlies}


for her 1st time!

The Caspers, Ashley C , Maycee and I were invited to the Barlockers home last week to go swimming. She loved the water and splashed all around. She probably loved it so much because she water was about 90 degrees. I even loved it. I didn't want to get out.

See Maycee trying to lick the water?

Apr 16, 2009

6 months going on 2

Happy 1/2 Birthday!
(6 months already)

This little girl of ours...

is growing up...

way to0 FAST!!!

(her 6 month appt. is on Monday so look for her new stats)

Apr 14, 2009

Miss "soon to be" Zippy

Shes on her way to crawling. See her butt in the air? She gets so frustrated when she can't reach something. I give it another month till shes crawling.

Apr 11, 2009

Apr 10, 2009

So cool

I found this app that allows me to post on my blog from my phone. So hopefully I'll post more. :). Yea


Seriously... You are amazing

(Which number do you like?)

I can't choose

Happy Easter!!


Comes early this year with Grandma Chris.
(She is going to be out of town for Dana's baby blessing and we gave her a really hard time about it. Traditions broken??? WHAT??? So we had it a week early.)
Love you GG
Happy Easter!
Maycee's Easter pics to come. :)

Apr 9, 2009

Seriously I know

So here's a catchup

Big hat days was fun but way too hot

Rob had a gig in Kingsburg they were HOT

Maycee's new way to sleep,

Robs gig at Jimbos, on the night of Big Hat Days (Awesome)

It was Holly Casper birthday. I couldn't eat But they said East West Cousine was good

My funny Cousin Sabrina. Sorry girl. Had to post. LOVE IT!

Grandpa Verne doing a trick

Maycee's new trick... SITING UP! Can you believe it?

Maycee with her cousin Hayden. They played really well together.

My beautiful 6 month old with her first zit. haha

One of Maycee's boyfriends, Skyler. He was born 3 months after her. :)

My baby girl. LOVE HER!!!

Who wants something?

I saw this on a friends blog and I totally wanted something from her because she is one of my crafting inspirations.

So, here is the deal: The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

1 - I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2 - What I make will be just for you.
3 - It will be done this year.
4 - You have no clue what it's going to be. Who knows? Not you that is for sure!
5 - I reserve the right to do whatever I want!

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and offer the same deal to 5 of your own lucky blog readers.
So, the first 5 people to leave a comment telling me they are in, will win
a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it.

Let the games begin!